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evaluate. identify.

Leverage the power of ianyph + Celonis to gain intelligent insights on your business processes and rapidly take action to close execution gaps, increase operational efficiencies, and drive profitability 

Certified Services Partner

Operational excellence requires data-driven insights

​When you have full visibility into your business processes, inefficiencies and their root causes can be identified, corrected, and monitored.  Costs are better controlled, productivity is enhanced, and profitability heads north.  

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Process mining experts 

With over 20 years of combined experience, ianyph offers the knowledge, thought leadership and technical expertise in transforming insights into actionable strategies.  We support our clients in every stage of their transformational journeys, bridging the gap between adopting the Celonis EMS and enhancing their operations, empowering them for long-term success.  

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How we help

As dedicated Celonis experts, we're committed to helping you unlock the most business value from the Celonis EMS and extend that value across the enterprise.  Our services are designed to unlock the full potential of your business operations and deliver measurable results at a rapid pace. 


We'll help accelerate your time-to-value by handling the process mining integrations for any system, app, and process giving you unparalleled visibility into your operations.

Value Engineering

Having your data in view is great, but we'll work to take things to the next level by translating that data into actionable strategies that enhance efficiency, reduce costs, optimize productivity, and boost your bottom line.


Once you're up and running, we'll make sure to fine-tune Celonis to your specific needs, helping extend the value and maximize the benefits. 

Continuous Improvement

Our partnership goes beyond the initial implementation as part of our commitment to your long-term success. Experience ongoing support and tailored recommendations to help you adapt swiftly to market changes and stay ahead of the competition.

Talk to an expert today and elevate your business

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